Imaam Mujaahid Ibn Jabar al-Makhzoomee
His Birth and Lineage:
His name is Mujaahid Ibn Jabar, his kunyah was Abul-Hajjaaj and his lineage was Abul-Hajjaaj Mujaahid Ibn Jabar al-Makhzoomee al-Makkee. He was from the famous Arab tribe of Banoo Makhzoom. He was born in 20H or 21H during the Caliphate of 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (radhiyallaahu 'anhu).
He was a well known teacher and explainer of the Qur’aan and a famous preserver of hadeeth.
His Teachers and those he Narrated from:
He learnt hadeeth from the illustrious companions, the likes of:
- Sa’d Ibn Abee Waqqaas
- Ummul-Mu’mineen Aa’ishah
- Aboo Hurayrah
- Umm Haanee
- Abdullaah Ibn Umar
- Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas
He studied with Ibn Abbaas for sometime, learning the explanation of the Qur’aan. As a result of this he possessed great knowledge.
His students and those who narrated from him:
Those who narrated from him are:
- Qataadah
- Al-Hakam Ibn Utaybah
- Amr Ibn Deenaar
- Al-A’amash
- Mansoor ibn al-Mu'tamir
- Ibn Awn
- Umar Ibn Dharr
Ibn Katheer ad-Daaree (not the author of Tafseer Ibn Katheer), Aboo Amr Ibn al-Alaa and Ibn Muhaysin learnt recitation and the knowledge of the explanation of the Qur’aan from him.
His Works:
- Tafseer Mujaahid (2 Volumes) – he did not write this tafseer – it is all based on the narrations from him. This book has been printed in Islamabad, Pakistan.
The Scholars' Praise for Imaam Mujaahid:
Imaam adh-Dhahabee said:
"The whole Ummah is agreed upon Mujaahid’s greatness and using him for evidence. The authors of the six books of hadeeth have also narrated from him."
Imaam Mujaahid states that he recited the Qur’aan three times to Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu ‘anhu). After reciting every verse to him he would ask the reason behind the revelation of the verse.
Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:
"Mujaahid studied the Qur’aan with Ibn Abbaas, he stopped and questioned him about each and every verse and noted all of his comments. That is why (Sufyaan) ath-Thawree said, ‘If the comments of Mujaahid reach you then it is enough.’ This is also the reason why Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee and Imaam al-Bukhaaree relied on Mujaahid's explanations. Similarly Imaam Ahmad and others of his like, who have commented on the Qur’aan, quote the words of Mujaahid more than the words of any other person."As mentioned above, Imaam al-Bukhaaree, in his Jaami as-Saheeh, in Kitaab at-Tafseer, has mentioned many statements of Mujaahid.
Qataadah said:
"From the people alive, he (Mujaahid) was the most knowledgeable person in the explanation of the Qur’aan."
Ibn Jurayj would say:
"Learning and hearing hadeeth from Mujaahid is more beloved to me than my family and wealth."
Khusayf said:
"In this era Mujaahid had the most knowledge about the explanation of the Qur’aan."
Imaam Mujaahid said:
"Often when I would go on a journey, Abdullaah Ibn Umar would hold the strap of my ride and stand as an attendant."
Al-A’amash said:
"I used to think that Mujaahid was destitute when I saw him wear simple and inexpensive clothes. I used to think he was a donkey herder who had lost his donkey and was upset due to this. However when he used to speak on scholarly points then it was as if diamonds were emanating from his mouth."
Humayd al-A’raj said:
"Mujaahid would say Allaahu Akbar (Allaah is The Greatest) after each Soorah from Wa-Dhuha to the end of the Qur’aan."
His Death:
Most of the scholars said that Mujaahid died in 103H or 104H. Al-Waaqidee mentions from Ibn Jurayj that he lived a total of 83 years. He died whilst in a state of prostration.
- Tadhkirrat-ul-Huffaadh (no.83)
- Tabaqaat-ul-Huffaadh (no.81)
- Tafseer Ibn Jareer (1/40)
- Muqaddimah fee Usool-it-Tafseer (phs.19-20) of Ibn Taymiyyah
- Meezaan-ul-I’tidaal (3/9)
- Tahdheeb-ut-Tahdheeb (10/42)
- Taareekh-ut-Tafseer wal-Mufassireen (pgs.104-106)
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