Ascribing to a particular Shaykh is not Salafiyyah

Ascribing to a particular Shaykh is not Salafiyyah

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullah) said:

Salafiyyah is following the way of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions, because they are our Salaf (predecessors) coming before us. Therefore, following them is Salafiyyah. As for taking Salafiyyah as a specific way that specific people are upon and consider whoever differs with them as misguided, even if the truth is with them, then this without doubt is in opposition to Salafiyyah! All of the Salaf called to Islaam and clinging firmly to the Sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ. They did not consider those who differed with them in interpreting verses as misguided, by Allaah except in Aqeedah (creed). They (i.e. the Salaf) regarded those who differed with them in that (i.e. Aqeedah) as the one who is misguided.

But, some people subscribe to Salafiyyah in our time have begun to make anyone who differs with them misguided, even if the truth is with him. Some of them have taken it as a Hizbee Manhaj (fanatical methodology) like some of the other fanatical groups that ascribe themselves to Islaam, and this is what is repudiated and is impossible to accept. It should be said: “Look at the way of the Salaf-us-Saalih (pious predecessors), how they were open hearted with those who differed with them in those matters where Ijtihaad (using your mind to derive a ruling without the use of a text from the Qur’aan or the Sunnah) was warranted.” They even used to differ in major issues, like Aqeedah and scholastic issues. You’ll find some of them, for example, deny that the Messenger ﷺ saw his Lord; some people say that. And some people say that the things that will be weighed on the day of judgement are the actions, where some say that it is the books of actions that will be weighed. You’ll also find them differing in matters of fiqh (jurisprudence) like: nikaah (marriage), faraaidh (inheritance), iddah (annulment), buyoo‘ (trading), and other that. And with all of that, they never would consider each other as misguided.

Therefore, Salafiyyah with the meaning that it’s a specific Hizb (group/faction) that has special merits where you consider everyone else as misguided, those people have nothing to do with Salafiyyah! But as for Salafiyyah, that is following the Manhaj of the Salaf in Aqeedah, speech, actions, in differing, agreeing, having mercy, and loving as the Prophet ﷺ said,

“The example of the Mu’minoon (believers) in their loving, mercy, and kindness is like one body. If one limb complains, then the rest of the body totters with fever and staying awake at night.”
This is the true Salafiyyah! [Liqaa-ul-Baab-il-Maftooh 1322]

Shaykhul-lslaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) - rahimahallaah - said:

"The Religion of the Muslims is built upon following the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of His Prophet ﷺ, and that which the Ummah has agreed upon. So these are the three infallible usool (fundamentals). So whatever the Ummah differs in, then it is referred back to Allaah and His Messenger ﷺ. Thus, it is not for anyone to set-up a person for the Ummah, and to call to his way, and form walaa' (love, loyalty and allegiance) and 'adaa' (enmity and hatred) based upon that, except for the Prophet ﷺ. Nor is any speech set-up for them based upon which they form walaa and 'adaa, except for the speech of Allaah, and that of His Messenger ﷺ, and that which the Ummah has agreed upon. Rather, this is the practice of the people of Innovation, who set-up a person, or a saying, with which they cause splits in the Ummah; forming walaa or 'adaa based upon that saying or ascription." [Majmoo' Fataawaa (20/164) of Ibn Taymiyyah]

Shaykhul-lslaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) - rahimahallaah - also said:

"It is not for anyone to ascribe himself to a particular Shaykh and to have walaa' with those who follow him, or to have 'adaa based upon that. Rather, he should have walaa' for everyone who is from the people of eemaan (i.e. is a Muslim) and is known to have taqwaa (piety and obedience to Allaah in that which He has ordered and prohibited), from the Shaykhs, or from others. No one should be particularised with an increase in walaa' except if he sees from him greater eemaan and taqwaa. So precedence and excellence is given to whomsoever Allaah and His Messenger ﷺ have given them to. Allaah - the Most High - said:

"O mankind! Indeed We created you from a man and a woman, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Indeed the most noblest of you with Allaah are those that have the most taqwaa (piety)." [Soorah al-Hujuraat 49:13]
[Majmoo' Fataawaa (11/512)]

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