The Pillars of Prayer

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd-il-Wahhaab - Rahimahullah - says in his book, Shuroot-us-Salaat-i-wa-Arkaanuhaa-wa-Waajibaatuhaa:

The Pillars (Arkaan) of the Prayer

The Pillars of the Prayer are fourteen:

  1. Standing, if one has the ability to do so;
  2. The opening Takbeer;
  3. Reciting Surah Al-Faatihah;
  4. Bowing;
  5. Rising from Bowing;
  6. Prostrating on all seven limbs; [1]
  7. Erecting oneself from it;
  8. Sitting between the two prostrations;
  9. Remaining tranquil (i.e. not rushing) during all of these pillars;
  10. Maintaining the same sequence;
  11. The Final Tashahhud;
  12. Sitting for it;
  13. Sending Salaat on the Prophet; and
  14. The (final) two Tasleems.

The First Pillar:

Standing if one is able to do so. The proof for this is Allaah’s statement:

"“Guard strictly the prayers, especially the middle one. And stand before Allaah with full submission." [Surah Al-Baqarah: 238]

The Second Pillar:

The Opening Takbeer. The proof for this is the hadeeth:

"Its opening[2] is the Takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar) and its closing[3] is the Tasleem (Saying as-Salaamu ‘Alaikum)." [4]
After this occurs the opening supplication, which is supererogatory, and goes: "Subhaanakallaahumma wa bi-Hamdika. Wa Tabaarakasmuka wa Ta’aala Jadduka. Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghayruka." [Free from imperfections are You, O Allaah, and all praise is Yours. Blessed is Your Name and there is no deity worthy of worship besides You]

The meaning of "Subhaanakallaahumma" is: I absolve You from all imperfections in a manner that befits Your majesty. "Wa Bi-Hamdika" i.e. while praising You. "Wa Tabaarakasmuka" i.e. blessing can be attained by mentioning You. "wa Ta’aala Jadduka" i.e. Glorified be Your Greatness. "Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghayruk" i.e. There is nothing that has the right to be worshipped on the earth or in the heavens except You, O Allaah.

Then he says: "A’oodhu Billaahi min-ash-Shaytaan-ir-Rajeem" (I seek refuge in Allaah from the rejected devil), i.e. "A’oodhu" means I seek refuge and recourse in You and rely on You, O Allaah. "Min-ash-Shaytaan-ir-Rajeem" means the outcast, the one who is far removed from Allaah’s mercy. He cannot harm me in my religion or in my worldly affairs.

The Third Pillar:

Then there occurs the recitation of Soorah al-Faatihah, which is a pillar, in every rak’ah (unit), as occurs in the hadeeth:

"There is no prayer for the one who doesn’t recite the opening (chapter) of the Book."
It is the foundation of the Qur’aan.

"Bismillaah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem" (In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, Bestower of Mercy) is a request for blessing and assistance.

"Al-Hamdulillaah" (All praise is for Allaah): "Hamd" means praise. The definite article (al) before Hamd is for including all the commendable acts He does. As for the good thing that one has no role in bringing about, such as beauty and so on, then praising that is called mad'h and not hamd.

"Rabb-il-‘Aalameen" (Lord of all that is created): Rabb means the One who is worshipped, the Creator, the Sustainer, the King, the One who administers and brings up all of the creation through His favors. With regard to ‘Aalameen, everything that is apart from Allaah then that is considered ‘Aalam. He is the Lord of everyone and everything.

"Ar-Rahmaan" (The Most Merciful): means He grants a general mercy for all of the created beings.

"Ar-Raheem" (The Bestower of Mercy): means He gives a specified mercy for just the believers. The proof for this is Allaah’s statement:

"And He is ever an All-Bestower of mercy to the believers." [Soorah al-Ahzaab: 43]

"Maaliki-Yawm-id-Deen" (Master of the Day of Judgement): refers to the Day of Reward, Recompense and Accountability, the Day when everyone will be compensated for his deeds – if they are good, then there will be good (for him) and if they were evil, then there will be evil (for him). The proof for this is Allaah’s statement:

"And what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is? Again, what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is? (It will be) The Day when no person shall have power (to do anything) for another, and the decision that Day will be wholly with Allaah." [Surah Al-Infitaar: 17-19]
There is also the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam):
“The shrewd person is the one who subjects himself and works for what comes after death. And the feeble person is the one who allows his soul to follow its vain desires, while aspiring for Allaah to grant his ambitions.”[5]

"Iyyaaka Na’budu" (You alone do we worship): meaning we don’t worship anyone except You. This is a covenant between the servant and his Lord that he will not worship anyone besides Him.

"Wa Iyyaaka Nasta’een" (And in You alone do we seek assistance): This is a covenant between the servant and his Lord that he will not seek the assistance of anyone besides Allaah.

"Ihdinaas-Siraat-al-Mustaqeem" (Guide us to the Straight Path) means direct us, show us the way and keep us firm on as-Siraat (the Path), meaning Islaam. It is also believed that it refers to the Messenger and likewise that it refers the Qur’aan. All of these meanings are true. What is meant by Mustaqeem (Straight) is that which has no deviations in it.

"Siraat-alladheena An’amta ‘alayhim" (The Path of those You bestowed Your Favor on): meaning the way of those who have received your Bounty. The proof for this is Allaah’s saying:

"And whoever obeys Allaah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on whom Allaah has bestowed His Favor, such as the prophets, the first to believe (in the prophets), the martyrs and the righteous. And how excellent these companions are!" [Soorah an-Nisaa: 69]

"Ghayr-il-Maghdoobi ‘alayhim" (Not those who earned Your Anger): They are the Jews since they have knowledge but do not act on it. We ask Allaah to protect you from their way.

"Walad-Daalleen" {Nor of those who went astray): This refers to the Christians, who worship Allaah based on ignorance and misguidance. We ask Allaah to protect you from their way. The proof for those who went astray is Allaah’s saying:

"Say: Shall we inform you of the greatest losers with respect to their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought they were acquiring good by their deeds." [Soorah al-Kahf: 103-105]
And there is also the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam):
"You will indeed follow the ways of those who came before you, in exactly the same manner, to the point that if they were to enter the hole of a lizard, you would also enter it." They said: "O Messenger of Allaah, do you mean the Jews and the Christians?" He (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Who else?" Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim reported it.
And the second hadeeth is:
"The Jews split up into seventy-one sects and the Christians split up into seventy-two sects. And this ummah (of Muslims) will split up into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in the Hellfire except for one." They said: "Who are they O Messenger of Allaah?" He (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Those who are upon the same way that I and my Companions are upon."

The Fourth Pillar:


The Fifth Pillar:

Rising from the bowing position

The Sixth Pillar:

Prostrating on one’s seven limbs.

The Seventh Pillar:

Erecting oneself from that

The Eighth Pillar:

Sitting between the two prostrations. The proof for these (last five) pillars is Allaah’s statement:

"O you who believe! Bow and prostrate (in prayer)." [Soorah al-Hajj: 77]
And also the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam):
"I was ordered to prostrate on seven body limbs." [6]

The Ninth Pillar:

Being in a state of tranquility during all of the acts.

The Tenth Pillar:

Following a sequential order between these pillars. The proof for these (i.e. last two pillars) is the hadeeth about the man who prayed badly, narrated by Aboo Hurayrah (radiyallaahu ‘anhu), who said:

"One day we were sitting with the Prophet when a man entered and prayed. [Then he rose from prayer] and greeted the Prophet with Salaam. So the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) told him: ‘Go back and pray for you have not prayed.’ This occurred three times, and finally the man said: ‘I swear by the One who sent you as a prophet in truth, I cannot do better than this, so teach me (the correct way to pray).’ So the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘When you get up to pray, say the Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar). Then recite what is easy for you from the Qur’aan. Then bow until you feel tranquility bowing. Then rise until you feel tranquil standing. Then prostrate until you feel tranquility whilst prostrating. Then rise from it until you feel tranquility sitting. Then do this in all of your prayers.’"

The Eleventh and Twelfth Pillar:

The final Tashahhud is an obligatory pillar, as is stated in the hadeeth reported by Ibn Mas’ood (radiyallaahu ‘anhu), who said:

“Before the tashahhud was made obligatory on us, we would say: ‘As-Salaamu ‘alallaahi min ‘Ibaadihi. As-Salaamu ‘alaa Jibreela wa Mikaa’eel.’ [Peace be on Allaah from His servants. Peace be on Jibreel and Mikaa’eel]. So the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Do not say: Peace (Salaam) be on Allaah, for indeed Allaah, He is As-Salaam. Instead say: At-Tahiyyaatu Lillaahi was-Salawaatu wat-Tayyibaat. As-Salaamu ‘alayka ayyuhaan-Nabiyyu wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh. As- Salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘alaa ‘Ibaadillaah-is-Saaliheen. Ash'hadu an Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu wa Ash'hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasooluh.’[7]". [8]

The meaning of "At-Tahiyyaat" is that all of the glorifications are for Allaah, who possesses and deserves that, such as the acts of inclining, bowing, prostrating, remaining and continuing (in the acts of prayer). Everything for which the Lord of creation is glorified due to, then that belongs to Allaah. So whoever directs any part of that (glorification) to other than Allaah, he is a polytheist, disbeliever.

"As-Salawaat" means all of the supplications. It is also held that it refers to the five daily prayers.

"wat-Tayyibaat": Allaah is Tayyib (good), He does not accept any of the sayings or actions except for those that are tayyib (good).

"As-Salaamu ‘alayka ayyuhaan-Nabiyyu wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh” means that you are supplicating for the Prophet to have safety, mercy and blessing. The one who is supplicated for is not being supplicated to along with Allaah. [9]

"As-Salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘alaa ‘Ibaadillaah-is-Saaliheen" means you are sending Salaam (peace) upon yourself and to every righteous servant in the heaven and the earth.

"Salaam" is for the supplication. "Saaliheen" is for those who are being supplicated for, and they are not being supplicated to along with Allaah.

"Ash'hadu an Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu wahdahu laa Shareeka Lahu": You testify with a certain testimony that no one in the heaven and the earth has the right to be worshipped except Allaah. And your testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah means that he is a slave (worshipper of Allaah) who is not to be worshipped, and a messenger who is not to be rejected. Rather, he is to be obeyed and followed. Allaah honored him with granting him the station of servitude (i.e. that he worships Allaah). The proof for this is Allaah’s statement:

"Blessed be the One who sent the Criterion to His slave so that He may be a warner for the creation." [Soorah al-Furqaan: 1]

The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Pillar:

"Allaahumma Salli ‘alaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa Aali Muhammadin kamaa Sallayta ‘alaa Ibraaheema wa ‘alaa Aali Ibraaheema Innaka Hameedun Majeed." The meaning of Salaat from Allaah is His praising of His servant in the greatest of gatherings, as has been reported by al- Bukhaaree in his Saheeh from Abul-‘Aaliyah who said:

"The Salaat of Allaah means His praise for His servant in the highest of gatherings (i.e. angels)."
It is also held that Salaat means mercy. But the first definition is more correct. As for the Salaat when it comes from the angels, then it means: Asking for forgiveness. And from the humans, it means supplication. Asking for blessing of Muhammad and what comes after that are all supererogatory statements and actions.


  1. Ibn ‘Abbaas reported that Allaah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "I have been ordered to prostrate on seven limbs: on the forehead – and he pointed to his nose – the (palms of the) hands, the knees and the toes of the feet." [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]
  2. Translator’s Note: The word used in the hadeeth is "Tahreem", which has been translated as opening, but which more specifically means that which makes something forbidden. This is since with the opening Takbeer, the common actions of speaking and eating become forbidden, as one is now in prayer.
  3. Translator’s Note: The word used in the hadeeth is "Tahleel", which has been translated as closing, but which more specifically means to make something permissible. This is since with the closing Takbeer, the common actions of speaking and eating become permitted again, as one is now out of prayer.
  4. Reported by Aboo Daawood, at-Tirmidhee, Ahmad and al-Bazaar
  5. Reported by Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim
  6. Reported by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim
  7. Translator’s Note: This means "All acts of praise, supplications, and good are for Allaah. Peace be on you O Prophet, and also the mercy and blessings of Allaah. Peace be on us, and on the righteous slaves of Allaah. I bear witness that no one has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger."
  8. Reported by al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh
  9. Translator’s Note: According to the hadeeth of Ibn Mas’ood (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) reported in al- Bukhaaree and Muslim, the Companions would say: “As-Salaamu ‘alaan-Nabee” [Peace be on the Prophet] instead of “As-Salaamu ‘alayka ayyuhaan-Nabee” [Peace be on you O Prophet] after the Prophet died, mentioning him (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in the third person. Refer to “The Prophet’s Prayer Described” by Imam al-Albaanee for a discussion on this.

Translated by Ismaa'eel Alacron

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